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Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center

Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center is based in Bozeman, Montana, and has field offices in Glacier National Park and Missoula, Montana.


USGS Factsheet Highlights Importance of Cryospheric Research

USGS Factsheet Highlights Importance of Cryospheric Research

New study finds deer hunting can help keep chronic wasting disease in check

New study finds deer hunting can help keep chronic wasting disease in check

Sixty-seven years and still digging! A brief history of the USGS Benchmark Glacier Project

Sixty-seven years and still digging! A brief history of the USGS Benchmark Glacier Project


Informing adaptive management to reduce ungulate aggregations: A case study involving winter feeding of elk

In the United States, wildlife managers are entrusted with preserving culturally and economically important ungulate populations in the face of the ongoing spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service established an adaptive management plan to reduce the reliance of elk (Cervus canadensis) on supplemental winter feeding on the National Elk Refuge. The end...
William Michael Janousek, Eric K. Cole, Sarah R. Dewey, Tabitha A. Graves

Documenting, quantifying, and modeling a large glide avalanche in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

Glide avalanches present a significant and repetitive challenge to many operational forecasting programs, and they are likely to become more frequent. While the spatial location of glide release areas is extremely consistent, the onset of glide avalanche release is notoriously difficult to forecast, and their destructive potential can be immense. Thus, the timing and dynamics of glide...
James W. Dillon, Erich Peitzsch, Zachary Miller, Perry Bartelt, Kevin D. Hammonds

Community estimate of global glacier mass changes from 2000 to 2023

Glaciers are indicators of ongoing anthropogenic climate change1. Their melting leads to increased local geohazards2, and impacts marine3 and terrestrial4,5 ecosystems, regional freshwater resources6, and both global water and energy cycles7,8. Together with the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, glaciers are essential drivers of present9,10 and future11,12,13 sea-level rise. Previous...
Michael Zemp, Livia Jakob, Inés Dussaillant, Samuel U. Nussbaumer, Noel Gourmelen, Sophie Dubber, A. Geruo, Sahra Abdullahi, Liss M. Andreassen, Etienne Berthier, Atanu Bhattacharya, Alejandro Blazquez, Laura Boehm Vock, Tobias Bolch, Jason Box, Matthias H. Braun, Fanny Brun, Eric Cicero, William Colgan, Nicolas Eckert, D. Farinotti, Caitlyn Florentine, Dana Floricioiu, Alex Gardner, Christopher Harig, Javed Hassan, Romain Hugonnet, Matthias Huss, Tómas Jóhannesson, Chia-Chun Angela Liang, Chang-Qing Ke, Shfaqat Abbas, Owen King, Marin Kneib, Lukas Krieger, Fabien Maussion, Enrico Mattea, Robert McNabb, Brian Menounos, Evan Miles, Geir Moholdt, Johan Nilsson, F. Pálsson, Julia Pfeffer, Livia Piermattei, Stephen Plummer, Andreas Richter, Ingo Sasgen, Lilian Schuster, Thorsten Seehaus, Xiaoyi Shen, Christian Sommer, Tyler Sutterley, Désirée Treichler, Isabella Velicogna, Bert Wouters, Harry Zekollari, Whyjay Zheng


Developing Tools to Evaluate Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission Risk

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) infects and kills ungulates (deer, elk, moose), and has been spreading across North America for the past 20 years. Some ungulate populations have declined because of CWD and there are no viable vaccines or treatments for this disease. Therefore, tools that assist wildlife managers in preventing and mitigating CWD can be powerful assets in protecting our nation’s big...

Developing Tools to Evaluate Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission Risk

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) infects and kills ungulates (deer, elk, moose), and has been spreading across North America for the past 20 years. Some ungulate populations have declined because of CWD and there are no viable vaccines or treatments for this disease. Therefore, tools that assist wildlife managers in preventing and mitigating CWD can be powerful assets in protecting our nation’s big...
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Predicting the effects of supplemental feeding and chronic wasting disease in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem elk

To support management decisions concerning 500 bison and 8,000 elk in Jackson, Wyoming, USGS scientists assessed how alternative U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans for providing supplemental food would influence: 1) chronic wasting disease prevalence, 2) elk and bison numbers, 3) wildlife movement and human-wildlife conflict 4) multiple use opportunities for the public, like hunting, and 5)...

Predicting the effects of supplemental feeding and chronic wasting disease in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem elk

To support management decisions concerning 500 bison and 8,000 elk in Jackson, Wyoming, USGS scientists assessed how alternative U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans for providing supplemental food would influence: 1) chronic wasting disease prevalence, 2) elk and bison numbers, 3) wildlife movement and human-wildlife conflict 4) multiple use opportunities for the public, like hunting, and 5)...
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Building drought early warning systems for fisheries and water management across the U.S.

As droughts become more frequent and severe, freshwater ecosystems and the valuable fisheries they support face increasing challenges. Drought reduces streamflows, raises water temperatures, and stresses fish populations, particularly cold-water species like trout. These impacts can lead to declines in trout populations, threatening biodiversity, ecosystem health, and local economies. To address...

Building drought early warning systems for fisheries and water management across the U.S.

As droughts become more frequent and severe, freshwater ecosystems and the valuable fisheries they support face increasing challenges. Drought reduces streamflows, raises water temperatures, and stresses fish populations, particularly cold-water species like trout. These impacts can lead to declines in trout populations, threatening biodiversity, ecosystem health, and local economies. To address...
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